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Energy transcends space and time. All services offered can be provided through distance healing and are equally effective.

Shamanic Energy Healing

Release and heal stored traumas from this life and past lives.  Clear unwanted energies and cords from others.  Reveal and transmute your own shadow material to raise your vibration.  Release energetic blocks so that you may open yourself to the divine guidance of your own intuition and develop a deeper connection to your guides. Shine a light on your soul's higher path and activate your innate divine light. During healing sessions, I incorporate the following modalities of healing:

  • Master Level Shamanic & Usui Reiki Healing

  • Healing & Guidance channeled directly from your Spirit Guides and my Healing Guides (including past and future versions of myself who were also healers!)

  • Empathic Healing & Guidance (as I am able to physically and emotional able to feel the healing that needs to take place).

  • Shamanic Healing Techniques including the use of drumming & the elements and connecting with animal and nature spirits.

  • Crystal and Color Therapy incorporating the healing properties of crystals and color carefully placed and used in healing visualizations

  • Sound Healing provide a gentle yet powerful clearing and movement of energies within and around the body.

  • Release of stored traumas are released from current or past life times

  • Cord cutting, to clear unwanted and/or unhelpful energetic ties to others

  • Release of stress, grief, anger and other emotions.


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Victoria received her Shamanic Reiki Mastership from Llyn Roberts (Shamanic Reiki, Shapeshifting Into Higher Consciousness, Walking with Nature) of Shamanic Reiki Worldwide at The Omega Institute.  She studied Past Life Regression Professional Training with Brian Weiss, MD (Many Lives, Many Masters, Only Love Is Real), at The Omega Institute.  Victoria is also Certified as an Usui Reiki Master Teacher and as a Certified Crystal Healer.

What clients are saying....


Victoria is a beautiful, gentle, welcoming, open, and humble empathic conduit for spiritual work and healing.I have had four sessions with her over the last four months and I leave amazed at the work done every single time. Victoria has gone above and beyond anything I walked in expecting. I leave feeling supported, as her dedication to her work doesn’t end when you get off the table. I HIGHLY recommend her services!

- Amanda McCormick, Professional Dancer, Yoga Teacher and NYC Rockette, New York, NY


It seems incredible to have found such profound healing having never been in the same room with each other. Victoria was in New York and I was in my bedroom in Argentina. For years I had taken medication and without it I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t see an exit plan from those pills. And not only have I not taken them ever since but she helped me become open to my connection to spirit. Thank you Victoria for your gift and for the freedom you’ve helped unlock within me. - Marco, Artist & Musician, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Victoria helped me through one of the most transformative times in my life. Even though I was in Portland and she was in New York, our distance healing sessions were amazingly effective and allowed me to pick up the pieces and move forward in my life. During the session, we both saw my same past life that was in need of healing, but from different perspectives! Her gentle and intuitive nature helped get to the root of my issues and guide me towards my path again. I feel like Victoria not only cares for the people she is healing but for mankind. Much love, respect, and adoration. - Megan, Artist/Painter, Portland, OR

Past Life Healing

Past Life Regressions

Supports healing of traumas from past lives that may continue to impact the present life, and integration of karmic lessons,  strengths and healing from past lives into the present.  Reiki energy is incorporated as needed to support the deepening of hypnotic state and healing around traumatic past life events.  Victoria studied Professional Past Life Regression Therapy with Brian Weiss, MD (Many Lives, Many Masters) at The Omega Institute. 


Purchase here.

Shamanic Healing of Past Lives

Using shamanic techniques, reiki energy and guidance from spirit, Victoria will journey to your past lives that are in need of healing or affecting you current life in ways that hold you back from healing and stepping fully into your power.  Sometimes lives of spiritual power or magical ability may be revealed to help the individual understand the true expansiveness of their soul.   An intention is set at the beginning of the session to guide the healing that will take place. Because Victoria has a strong connection to cosmic and magical realms it is not uncommon for her clients to visit lives in other dimensions and even other star systems.  


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Past Life Readings

Through energetic connection, receive information about your past lives or lives in other dimensions.

Aura Clearing & Chakra Balancing

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Energy exchanges are real and it’s common to pick up energies from others as we move through the world every day.  Often this is something we are completely unaware of, aside from feelings of being drained, overwhelmed, or tired. Clear your aura of unwanted energies and feel clear, bright, and empowered.


Chakras are spiritual energy centers within the human body. Each chakra correlates to areas of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. When these chakras are in balance we feel happy, confident, communicate clearly, are grounded and connected to our own intuition, and are able to express ourselves freely and creatively.

Chakra imbalances manifest in various ways related to the affected chakra and may include:


  • Root Chakra: being ungrounded, feeling insecure about basic needs being met, feeling that you don’t belong, poor physical health/auto immune issues, being overly practical/habitual, lacking inspiration, difficulty letting go.

  • Sacral Chakra: feeling blocked creatively, feelings of guilt/shame, difficulty connecting emotionally and experiencing joy, feeling hyper sexual or disconnected from sexuality, difficulty recognizing emotional boundaries.

  • Solar Plexus: lacking confidence/self-esteem, difficulty manifesting desires, ego-based decision making, overly concerned with the opinions of others and people pleasing, relying on external validation for self-worth, feeling competitive/ jealous/insecure, being defined by external systems/values (religion, patriarchal values, societal conditioning, family expectations).

  • Heart Chakra: feelings of loneliness, unresolved grief/sorrow, lack of compassion/feeling disconnected, difficulty accepting or giving love, unhealthy relationships/loving too much, codependence.

  • Throat Chakra: unable to “speak your truth”, creative blocks, problems communicating ideas, manipulative communication/deceptive communication, low vibrational communication (such as gossiping), oversharing, problems expressing healthy boundaries.

  • Third Eye Chakra: lacking imagination or vision, difficulty concentrating, blocked or cloudy intuition, inability to see the big picture, over-intellectualizing, distorted perceptions.

  • Crown Chakra: feeling depressed, alienated, or confused; lacking common sense; being indecisive, impractical, or ungrounded; difficulty completing tasks, feeling disconnected from spirit; sense of meaningless existence.

Shamanic Work

Personalized Shamanic Rituals

Shamanic rituals can connect you to guidance from your own subconscious and the world of spirit. They can be used to support personal growth, major life transitions, to removing energetic blockages due to stored trauma and grief and accessing personal power.


Purchase here.

Personalized Shamanic Rituals for Couples

Deepen your relationship, clear blocks around intimacy, and support soul healing on a karmic level with a shamanic journey designed for you and your partner.


Purchase here.

Soul Journeys

Do you know the story of your soul? Through guided journeys, learn about other lives you have lived on Earth, in other dimensions and even in other star systems. Inquire to schedule a consultation with to create the perfect journey for your soul.

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There are so many exciting possibilities for Soul Journeys!  Among these are Journeys to:


  • Discover your Cosmic/Starseed lifetimes and/or origins

  • Meet your Spirit Animals

  • Explore Past Lives

  • Meet your Ancestors/Heal Ancestral Lineage & discover the messages they have for you.

  • Journeys to the Magic Realms: Connect with Fairies, Mermaids, Dragons, Unicorns, Elves and other Elemental Nature Spirits!


     Purchase here. 


Oracle Card Readings

Would you like guidance around how to attract abundance and love into your life?
Would you like to know how to move forward on your spiritual path?
Do you need support overcoming obstacles or grief?
Are you going through major transitions in your life?
Receive support from the spirit realms through channeled oracle readings.

Goddess Guidance

Which Goddess is speaking to you? We often connect with Goddesses related to our ancestral lineage and past lives, as well as those who support the healing we need to receive at a particular time in our life.
Access your connection to the Divine Feminine with channeled guidance from the Goddess Realms.


Purchase here.

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Fairy and Magical Realm Inspirations

Do you feel connected to Fairies? Have you played with Fairies as a child? Do you have a deep appreciation for nature? The Fairies would like to bring you inspiration and help you connect to the joy in your life.  Connect to Fairies and other beings from the magical realms, including Elves, Dragons, and Unicorns, through channeled messages.

Animal Medicine

Which animals do you feel most connected to at this time of your life? Perhaps you felt a strong connection to a particular animal since childhood?
We all have guides from the Animal Spirit Realms. Receive support and protection from your animal guides with Shamanically guided animal oracle readings.

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Akashic Records Readings

Purchase here.



Ask the Angels

Do you feel like the Angels have been sending you messages? Would you like to receive Angelic guidance and healing to support you in moving through challenging transitions, overcoming grief and opening yourself to all the love and abundance that life has to offer?
The Angelic Realms are here to support you. All you have to do is ask.

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Guided Visualizations

Be a participant in your own healing with a personalized guided visualization. Receive messages from spirits and transform energy to release energetic blockages, and create space for the new.


Purchase here.

 Empowerment Mantras

Channeled for You

Feeling negative, anxious, depressed or otherwise stuck? Do you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk? Would you like to improve your relationship with yourself and therefore, the energies you attract? Receive a personalized empowerment mantra designed to support you in healing and shifting the energies surrounding you. Open your vibration to the higher energies of love, compassion, and abundance. Receive personalized affirmations channeled to provide positive shifts in your thoughts, perceptions and energy around your self image and challenging situations or relationships.


Purchase here.

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Channeled Personalized Activating Ritual

Deepen and empower your own connection to the divine.  Connect to your inner magic.  Call back your power from this life and all lifetimes.  After a brief consultation, a personalized ritual will be designed for you.  Ritual may be for you to perform at home or for us to perform together or even in a small group.  Prices vary according to ritual.  Schedule a consultation to design you activating ritual!


Schedule and book here.

Space Clearing/Creating Sacred Space

Receive on-site or distance clearing to release unwanted energies and open space for newness and light energies. I remotely connect with the energy of your space and together we clear and bring in healing energies.  I guide you in creating a lasting sacred space. A written plan of and/or photos of each space to be cleared are requested.


RITUAL ALTAR: Receive channeled and intuitive guidance to create your own scared altar for healing and spiritual practices.  


Purchase here.

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